It is said that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Hence the age-old need of the human spirit to depict the body, its temple, as beautiful. This is why people still believe that beauty has the power to change the world. Filip Mirazović also shows the body as a temple, but he does not beautify it—he liberates it. He frees it from the chains of conformity, from the constraints of conventional thought, even from the force of gravity itself. In some paintings, the female figures, defying the laws of physics, resemble characters from a science fiction novel. Due to this escape from gravity, the world that Filip Mirazović depicts exists in a special, weightless state, between dreaming and meditation, turned inward, immersed in thought. Each body, whether male or female, seems to play a role hidden from the first glance. These allegories,characteristic of thoughtful artists, awaken a flood of associations in the viewer, leaving one unsure whether they are looking at a painting or a scene from a film or novel.Layering in Mirazović’s work becomes a style, and it is no surprise that alongside the unique figures, which irresistibly evoke the works of old masters, trivial details of modern life also appear—details that the artist skillfully integrates into the composition. This creates a perfect harmony between the main characters and their surroundings, even when they are floating above it. From his work, it is clear that Filip Mirazović is a passionate painter, one of those who still believe that beauty will change the world. And beauty comes from the spirit, while the body is its temple.
Dr. Nele Karajlić