The Effect of Light

Đorđe Stanojević

16.05 – 8.06.2024.

I left my Belgrade studio 15 years ago and established it in nature. Since then, through my working methodology, I have been merging natural and artistic processes. All of my works are created under the open sky, in nature, regardless of the weather conditions. This is how works that engage in dialogue with nature come into being. In these situations, the paintings become a medium in the broken connection between man and nature. Dialogue is the key word. It is realized with nature through the painting. In that dialogue, content is created. During the process of work, the painting is in a horizontal position, on the ground. I use natural pigments and mediums on the canvas. I do not restrain the forces of nature during this process. I follow them.I let them shape the work. I observe and guide, respecting their role in forming the image. A dialectic emerges between intention and chance, which become One. In this process, new knowledge about the world, energies, and currents is always acquired...The painting comes to life when light falls upon it. The touch of pigment and light creates content. Crystals emerge, in which I recognize truth. I follow the process of the sun's light touching the pigment. The painting has its own period of maturation. The more layers it has, the richer its internal space becomes. Light activates this space, and only in dialogue with it does the painting exist.

Đorđe Stanojević