Beasts and Paper – Novi Sad

Marko Kusmuk
Damjan Kovačević
Vladimir Lalić

June 7 – June 16, 2022

If one day the Kingdom of Art is established, its constitution will have only three articles. The first article of the constitution of the Kingdom of Art states that the goal of every artist is to awaken noble feelings in those who read, watch, or listen to their work. The second article of the constitution of the Kingdom of Art states that every artist shares their life with art to the extent that it becomes unclear who is imitating whom—life imitating art, or art imitating life. They are so intertwined that it is impossible to discern what is life and what is art. The third article of the constitution of the Kingdom of Art states that only the artist chooses their path, and only Art can deviate them from that path. If one day the Kingdom of Art is established, Marko Kusmuk, Damjan Kovačević, and Vladimir Lalić will be its constitutional defenders! Welcome to the exhibition Beasts and Paper by Marko Kusmuk, Damjan Kovačević, and Vladimir Lalić. Welcome to the Embassy of the Kingdom of Art!

Nenad Janković (dr Nele Karajlić).
Photographers: Nolens Volens, Vladimir Popović, Damjan Kovačević