Sara Nikolić

14. mart – 11. april 2023.

Sara Nikolic, a highly accomplished sculptor, was born in Majdanpek in 1988. She graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts in 2012, where she specialized in Applied Sculpture. She has been recognized for her exceptional talent, having won the prestigious "Golden Chisel" award for her sculpture at the Spring Exhibition in the Art Pavilion "Cvijeta Zuzoric" in Belgrade in 2016. Additionally, she has completed several notable public sculptures, including the "Monument of Patrijarh Srpski Mister Pavle" in the Cathedral Church in Trebinje, Republic Srpska in 2017, and the "Monument of Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic" at the Faculty of Philology in Banja Luka in 2017, and "The bust of Mihajlo Pupin" at the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Republic Srpska in 2020. She has also exhibited her work both independently and as part of collective exhibitions within the country and internationally. Currently, she resides and works in Belgrade.
She lives and works in Belgrade.

Fotograf: Damir Dervišagić